If you have grown to love the IEEE project’s Tingtun PDF accessibility checker like we do, you will have noticed the functionality has not worked correctly for a few months now. Every upload or link-based query results in a:
Server Error 500
So to allow users to freely be able to access the tool, upload their PDFs and check them against the Tingtun engine, ACHECKS introduces a new PDF accessibility checking tool that piggybacks off the Tingtun engine and restores its functionality via upload:
This is in addition to the previous link-based Tingtun PDF accessibility checker that we had previously announced.
The Tingtun checker is widely used and recommended. For example, the UK government recommends its use for checking accessibility. So we wanted to make it freely available for use to ensure that there are open-source alternatives to Adobe Pro’s accessibility checker.
Of course the Tingtun accessibility checker is also available as part of an ACHECKS subscription service which automatically checks the pages and PDFs of your website and generates an accessibility compliance report for your organization.
Connect with us below if you find this service useful and have any questions for our team.